Our latest updates to Dot3D for iOS also launched this week with the release of Dot3D 5.0.11 on the App Store. This new release brings back parallel plane constraints, the return of green/yellow scan-time feedback as an option, new frame spacing options, various bugfixes, and major performance improvements relating to optimization, targeting, coordinate systems, memory consumption, high res photos and more. Please click here for a Dot3D update history.
Dot3D 5.0.11 Windows beta NOW AVAILABLE: The time has come! Our new Dot3D 5.0 engine (that's been making waves on iOS!) is officially making the jump to Windows with today's release of Dot3D 5.0.11 beta for Windows: Version 5.0.11 (beta) This landmark (beta) update brings our new ultra large scene sizes, ultra fast optimization, overall accuracy improvements, all-new targeting capabilities (workflow & accuracy improvements), the DP v2 format, new scene rendering options, and much more to Windows for the first time. However, please be advised that not all features have made the jump to 5.0 quite yet. Please see the IMPORTANT BETA NOTES on the download page for more information.
Want to see a preview of some real Dot3D scans from your industry? Compare the differences between each supported camera? Play with some real scan data inside Dot3D before activating your own subscription? Today we're glad to share that we're launching a new sample data collection to make all of the above easier than ever. Please click here to access this new dynamic collection of DP sample data, visualized on Sketchfab. With sorting based on use case, camera type, and direct comparison data, it's now very simple to access all the data you need anytime. Plus, you can now view in seconds right from your browser (with the important caveat below that all web-viewable data sets are very decimated). These collections will also be regularly updated as we (and you!) add to them. NOTE: All samples shown on Sketchfab are HIGHLY DECIMATED (thinned out) for lightweight web viewing. To access the full density color point cloud data for each scan, please make sure to download the DP data directly from the links in the description of each scan on Sketchfab. These full density files may then be opened in Dot3D via a free trial license, and can be easily exported directly to E57, PTS, PTX, PLY, PTG, LAS, LAZ, RCS, and POD from there.
AuthorsChris Ahern Archives
November 2024
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